Navigating Friendships When You're the Only Single One

Many of us have experienced the familiar scenario of being the sole single person among a group of friends who are in relationships. While celebrating your friends' love and happiness is essential, it can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection, particularly when friends in relationships prioritize their partners over their friendships. In exploring this common situation with hundreds of people through XXO Connect, we’ll offer some strategies for maintaining strong connections while respecting each other's different life stages.

Embrace Your Individuality

First and foremost, it's crucial to recognize that being the only single one among your friends is not a disadvantage. Your single status allows you to focus on your personal growth, passions, and adventures. Embrace this time to discover yourself fully.

Open Communication

Having an open and honest conversation with your friends about how you feel can work wonders. They might not even be aware of your sentiments. Let them know that you value their relationships and simply want to ensure that your friendships remain strong.

Balance is Key

It's natural for friends in relationships to prioritize their partners at times, but balance is essential. Encourage your friends to maintain a sense of equilibrium, allocating quality time to both their partners and their friends.

Find Common Ground

Seek out shared interests and experiences that you can enjoy together, whether you're single or not. Focus on building friendships with people who appreciate the same activities and hobbies.

Expand Your Social Circle

Consider widening your social circle by joining groups or events that align with your interests. Apps like Bumble BFF and connection platforms like XXO Connect provide fantastic opportunities to meet new people with similar passions.

Support Your Friends' Relationships

Remember that healthy relationships contribute to your friends' overall happiness. Be a supportive friend by embracing their joy and celebrating milestones with them.

Maintain Self-Respect

While it's crucial to nurture friendships, also remember to maintain self-respect. Don't tolerate situations where you feel like an afterthought or left out.


Being the only single person in a group of friends in relationships can indeed bring challenges, but it can also be a period of tremendous personal growth and self-discovery. By communicating openly, finding balance, and exploring new connections, you can navigate these dynamics while maintaining your sense of self and building lasting friendships that respect each other's different life stages. Ultimately, it's about fostering connections that support each other's happiness and individuality.

Jason Lebowitz